Adrenal Inclusion in Testicular about Two Cases  

Soumeya N Fedala1 , Mahdi A Haddam2 , Farida Chentli1 , Nassima Djenane3 , Rebiha Baba Ahmed3 , Mahmoud Si Ahmed1 , Radhia Si Youcef4
1 Department of Endocrinology Bab El Oued Hospital
2 Department of Endocrinology Bologhine Hospital
3 Department of Anatomopathology Bab El Oued Hospital
4 Department of Biochemistry Ain Naadja Hospital
Author    Correspondence author
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports, 2013, Vol. 3, No. 10   doi: 10.5376/ijccr.2013.03.0010
Received: 03 Aug., 2013    Accepted: 05 Aug., 2013    Published: 05 Aug., 2013
© 2013 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:

Fedala et al., 2013, Adrenal inclusion in Testicular about two cases, International Journal of Clinical Case Reports, 3(10): 46-50 (doi: 10.5376/ijccr.2013.03.0010)


The adrenal enzyme deficiency leads pseudopuberty in later diagnosis or in the absence of treatment. The existence of testicular enlargement in boys can be related to adrenal inclusion. We report two observations about this pathology: A boy of 10 years old with 11β hydroxylase and another patients of 6 years old with 21 hydroxylase deficiency. The reason of consultation was the development of the penis and pubic hair with a testicular enlargement. Hormonal balance was in favor of early pseudo puberty. Testicular ultrasonography objectified increased volume and testicular hypoechoic nodules. Tumor markers (βHCG, ACE) were negative. Replacement and suppressive therapy by glucocorticoids is undertaken. The evolution was marked by regression of secondary sexual characteristics, reduced testicular size, increased its echogenecity and loss of nodules. During a reevaluation ten years later, a large heterogeneous testicular nodule is found in one patient. Tumor markers were elevated. Orchidopexy is decided. Histological study was in favor of bilateral Leydig tumor. The intratesticular adrenal inclusion is rare. It is the result of a cortical defect with a delay in diagnosis. Reduction of testicular volume after glucocorticoid therapy is a good predictor of disease control. However, a long term of follow up is necessary because a possibility of tumor degeneration. 

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia; Adrenal inclusion intratesticular; Ultrasound; Tumor Leydig; Glucocorticoids
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International Journal of Clinical Case Reports
• Volume 3
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Other articles by authors
. Soumeya Fedala
. Mahdi Haddam
. Farida Chentli
. Nassima Djenane
. Rebiha Baba Ahmed
. Mahmoud Si Ahmed
. Radhia Si Youcef
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. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
. Adrenal inclusion intratesticular
. Ultrasound
. Tumor Leydig
. Glucocorticoids
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