Ramsay Hunt Syndrome (Herpes Zoster Oticus) in A 12 Year Old Child and Review of Literature - A Case Report  

Menon Narayanankutty Sunilkumar , Narendran Gayathrivarma , Vadakut Krishnan Parvathy
Amala Institute of Medical Sciences, Amala Nagar, Kerala, India
Author    Correspondence author
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports, 2015, Vol. 5, No. 12   doi: 10.5376/ijccr.2015.05.0012
Received: 04 Dec., 2014    Accepted: 04 Jan., 2015    Published: 28 Feb., 2015
© 2015 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:
Sunilkumar et al., 2015, An Unsuspected Case of a Cervical Degenerative Leiomyoma, from Mumbai, India, International Journal of Clinical Case Reports, Vol.5, No. 12 1-3 (doi: 10.5376/ijccr.2015.05.0012)


The enigma of Ramsay Hunt syndrome is that it is an association of an acute peripheral facial neuropathy and herpetic vesicular rash of the skin of the ear canal, auricle (Herpes Zoster Oticus) and/or mucous membrane of the oropharynx. Paediatricians see many children with vesiculous eruptions over the face and the body.  A combination of otalgia and  cutaneous / mucosal eruptions is not very uncommon in these children. Interestingly many treating doctors are not aware of this syndrome and can be missed easily or diagnosed late. Facial palsy can result if a proper history of a varicella zoster infection is not identified, diagnosed with delay and if appropriate measures not taken in such a child. In this case study, we report a12 year-old boy who presented with Herpes Zoster Oticus (HZO) and timely treatment instituted prevented the Ramsay Hunt syndrome (RHS).

Ramsay Hunt Syndrome; Herpes Zoster Oticus; Varicella-Zoster Virus; Facial Nerve Palsy; Acyclovir
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International Journal of Clinical Case Reports
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. Menon Sunilkumar
. Narendran Gayathrivarma
. Vadakut Parvathy
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. Ramsay Hunt Syndrome
. Herpes Zoster Oticus
. Varicella-Zoster Virus
. Facial Nerve Palsy
. Acyclovir
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