Case Series

Herpes Zoster Infections (HZIs): Case Series  

Nivedita Tayde1 , Abhishek Singh Nayyar2 , V. Sreenivasan1
1 Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Saraswati-Dhanwantari Dental College and Hospital and Post-Graduate Research Institute, Parbhani, Maharashtra, India
2 Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Saraswati-Dhanwantari Dental College and Hospital and Post-Graduate Research Institute, Parbhani, Maharashtra, India
Author    Correspondence author
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 3   doi: 10.5376/ijccr.2017.07.0003
Received: 20 Mar., 2017    Accepted: 24 Apr., 2017    Published: 05 May, 2017
© 2017 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:

Tayde N., Nayyar A.S., and Sreenivasan V., 2017, Herpes Zoster Infections (HZIs): case series, International Journal of Clinical Case Reports, 7(3): 9-14 (doi: 10.5376/ijccr.2017.07.0003)


Herpes zoster infections (HZIs) or, shingles are painful eruptions, usually unilateral, caused by the re-activation of varicella zoster virus (VZV) showing dermatomal distribution. The most commonly affected dermatome is thoraco/lumbar dermatome followed by cervical and trigeminal. The incidence of herpes zoster infections (HZIs) or, shingles increases with age and with immuno-suppression. This case series brings forth cases with herpes zoster infections affecting the maxillary division of trigeminal nerve (V2) showing manifestations in the middle third of face and oral cavity in the affected patients and their successful management with appropriate therapeutic measures taken.

Herpes zoster infections (HZIs) or; Shingles; Varicella zoster virus (VZV); Viral infections; Re-activation; Prodrome
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International Journal of Clinical Case Reports
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. Nivedita Tayde
. Abhishek Singh Nayyar
. V. Sreenivasan
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. Herpes zoster infections (HZIs) or
. Shingles
. Varicella zoster virus (VZV)
. Viral infections
. Re-activation
. Prodrome
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