Frequency of Satellite Associations of Acrocentric Chromosomes in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients after 5-FU and Cisplatin Treatments  

Pankaj K. Gadhia1 , Desai Bhumika2
1 Molecular Cytogenetic Unit, S. N. Gene Research Laboratory and Research Centre, Surat, India
2 C. K. Pithawala Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Surat, India
Author    Correspondence author
International Journal of Molecular Medical Science, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1   doi: 10.5376/ijmms.2016.06.0001
Received: 29 Apr., 2016    Accepted: 11 Jul., 2016    Published: 11 Jul., 2016
© 2016 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:

Pankaj G., and Bhumika D., 2016, Frequency of Satellite Associations of Acrocentric Chromosomes in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients after 5-FU and Cisplatin Treatments, International Journal of Molecular Medical Science, 6(1): 1-5 (doi:10.5376/ijmms.2016.06.0001)


Oral squamous cell carcinoma is one of the most prevalent diseases worldwide. Acrocentric (D and G groups) satellite associations are known to play important role in the pathogenesis of diseases including cancers. The present work was aimed to study the frequency of satellite association (SA) in human peripheral blood lymphocytes of freshly diagnosed oral squamous cell carcinoma patients. Study was also carried out with in vitro combined treatments of anticancer drugs namely 5- Flurouracil (5-FU) and Cisplatin to note changes in frequency of SA. A Results revealed a significant impact of combined treatments of chemotherapeutic agents on the frequency and pattern of satellite associations.

SA- Satellite association; SCC- Squamous cell carcinoma; 5-FU- 5 Fluorouracil; AC-Acrocentric chromosome
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International Journal of Molecular Medical Science
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. Pankaj Gadhia
. Desai Bhumika
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. SA- Satellite association
. SCC- Squamous cell carcinoma
. 5-FU- 5 Fluorouracil
. AC-Acrocentric chromosome
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