CRISPR-Based Strategy Edits Multiple Genes and Could Treat Polygenic Diseases
Published:20 May2022 Source:Rice University
The "drive-and-process" array, DAP for short, also appears to be highly adept at avoiding off-target edits, errors that have plagued earlier gene-editing strategies. Engineer Xue Sherry Gao and graduate student and lead author Qichen Yuan of Rice's George R. Brown School of Engineering introduced their unique CRISPR array architecture in Nature Communications.
Their technique could both simplify and advance the art of gene editing, not only for human diseases but also for basic biology research and crop engineering. It does so by leveraging transfer RNA (tRNA), a small molecule critical to protein synthesis, as a promoter that drives the expression of multiple guide RNAs (gRNAs) on a single array, then released individually by cells to direct the state-of-art genome editors (base editor or prime editor) for edits at multiple human genomic sites.