Setup a new journal
Why start an independent open access journal?
What to include in an initial journal proposal?
◇ Name, address, telephone and fax number of the proposer(s)
◇ A brief introduction of the proposed journal
◇ A comprehensive description of the peer review policy
◇ A brief overview of the current existing journals in this field
◇ The article list to be published in the first publishing year
◇ Your prospect of the journal in the next five years
◇ The detailed resume of the editor-in-chief
■ Why start an independent open access journal?
If you want to launch a new journal, please offer us the following information.
If you are now operating a journal, MedSci Publisher would be happy to help you convert your existing journal to an open access model with free supports.
If you want to launch a new open access journal or convert your existing journal to an open access model, please refer to: What to include in an initial journal proposal.
If you have any questions, please contact: service@sophiapublisher.com.
■ What to include in an initial journal proposal?
If you want to start a new journal, please offer us the following information. Please feel free to contact us if you have any question before you working on the proposal: service@sophiapublisher.com.
◇ Name, address, telephone and fax number of the proposer(s)
As the proposer, if you don't intend to be the editor-in-chief, please give detailed description about what role you will play in the operating of the journal.
◇ A brief introduction of the proposed journal, include:
* Journal name (if this is a new journal, please check and make sure that the journal name does not coincide with the current existing journal names)
* The objective of the journal (about 20 words)
* Scope (about 100 words)
* Reasons for starting the journal (about 100 words): for education, for encouraging discussions or for providing a platform for the latest research?
* Anticipated article types: such as commentaries, reviews, research articles
◇ A comprehensive description of the peer review policy
The following points should be included in the full description of the peer review policy:
* Whether peer review will be open or closed?
* Are all the submitted manuscripts peer reviewed, or a chosen part of them?
* How many peer reviewers are needed to make the first decision? Please note that we strongly suggest at least two peer reviewers be consulted for a submitted manuscript.
* Whether manuscripts will be routinely sent to a statistician?
* What the procedure will be if the reviewers hold different opinions?
* Who has the right to make the final decision?
* How long will it take to reach the first decision?
* What procedure to take when the author disagree on the decision?
◇ A brief overview of the current existing journals in this field (at least 100 words)
* Why a new journal is need?
* If it is a current existing journal, please point that how will it adapt to the current journal market?
◇ The article list to be published in the first publishing year:
Please provide us a list of at least 24 manuscripts to be published in the first publishing year (an average of 2 per month).
Please provide the general topic or working title and the prospective author. The manuscripts should be at a stage that allows writing-up within the next twelve months.
◇ Your prospect of the journal in the next five years
* Will there be any impact factor?
* How many articles are to be published?
* What readership does this journal aim at?
◇ The detailed resume of the editor-in-chief
Please ensure that the resume includes a detailed publication record of the proposed editor-in-chief.
◇ Other materials
If it is a society journal, please provide information about the objective, history and the number of current members of the society.
If it is a current existing journal, please provide a brief introduction of the journal history, including its policies, authority in charge, impact factor, indexing, reasons for transferring, and plans for the future.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at service@sophiapublisher.com
Note: We may consult experts in the related field about your journal proposal for help in assessment. If you would like to keep the proposal confidential, please mark this clearly at the top of your documents.