Drug That Lowers Blood Sugar Also Reduces Blood Vessel Dysfunction Caused by Aging
Published:26 May2022    Source:University of Missouri-Columbia
Researchers initially examined the role aging plays in human blood vessel function and stiffness. Then they evaluated how treatment with the sodium glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitor empagliflozin (Empa) improved blood vessel function and reduced arterial stiffness in aged male mice. "Cardiovascular disease is the main cause of death in older adults in the U.S.," said Camila Manrique-Acevedo, MD, associate professor of medicine. "Weight loss, physical activity, antihypertensive therapy and lipid-lowering drugs have shown variable effectiveness at improving blood vessel function and reducing arterial stiffness. But additional approaches are needed to improve vascular health in older adults."

The study first compared blood vessel function and stiffness in 18 healthy human patients -- average age of 25 -- with 18 patients who averaged 61 years old. They found the older patients had impaired endothelial function and increased aortic stiffness when compared to the younger patients. "Our findings in young and older adults confirm previous clinical data demonstrating the impact of aging on blood vessel function and arterial stiffness," Manrique-Acevedo said. "Importantly, we were able to replicate this data in a rodent model."